
I Pity the Fool who falls for this…

april Fools

Happy April Fool’s day you wonderful fools out there. (Insert line I say I came out unharmed. Damn co-workers). Is it hard to trick me? Probably not, but when I know  that it is April 1st, I know to be a little more wary. After all, I have been a victim to a plan before, well I almost was a victim….

In university my roommate and best friend thought she would get creative and try to fool me.  Being a creature of nature I had a routine I followed every morning before class including the exact same breakfast every single day. As a girl on the run I would grab a Nutrigrain bar as I got ready but only the green apple flavour. Knowing my habits my roommate went out of her way to switch my green apple Nutrigrain bar for a strawberry one, including a whole lot of prep to make the wrapper look as untouched as possible. It was perfect, since I only had one more bar left in the box so  I was sure to grab that one. Well I didn’t… I threw away the box thinking it was done and the prank never happened. The best part was that she was waiting all day for me to message her and I never did. Plan failed.

So who’s been fooled before? I know there’s some great pranks out there, I just don’t have the patience to craft one.

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